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P1000 Training Module 7

Last Updated: July 24, 2023




  • Connect-to-PC
  • Configure Shortcut Button
  • Settings
  • View System Information



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Video Transcript

This module covers the use of the Tools function.


The Tools function allows you to configure the “S” button, connect to a PC, set display settings and more. From the home screen, select the Tools icon.

The following options are available from the Tools menu: 

  • Select Connect-to-PC to transfer and share files with a personal computer
  • Use the Configure Shortcut Button to change the function of the shortcut button 
  • Select System Information to view configuration information for the diagnostic tool 
  • Settings is used to configure certain characteristics of the diagnostic tool

Let’s select Connect to PC.


Using the USB cable, you can connect the scan tool to your PC as a mass storage device.

The tool saves the identification of the last twenty-five vehicles tested, so there is no need to go through the complete vehicle identification sequence when performing an after-repair test.

Using the PC-based companion application, ShopStream Connect, will provide the best experience, giving you the ability to print, save and manage data files, code scan files and even saved screenshots all from your PC.

Simply connect the USB cable to your PC and to the scan tool. Select Connect to PC, then select Continue and follow the onscreen instructions.

When connected, your PC will see the scan tool connection and ask you what you want to do. If you have ShopStream Connect, it will recognize the scan tool and open automatically. When finished, select Exit to stop communication with the PC.

The S button is a programmable shortcut button you can set to perform routine tasks like; saving a screenshot, saving a PID data movie, toggling the Pause and Record functions while viewing data, changing the brightness of the screen, and even opening the Shortcut button Menu so you can quickly change its setting.

To assign a function to the Shortcut button, select Tools from the Home screen. Then select Configure Shortcut button.

Select the function you want and then select the Back icon. Now when you press the “S” button the function you chose will be performed.

This feature is especially handy when you are reviewing data and use the button to stop and start data, or use it to capture a data recording on the fly. We could now go the previous Vehicles Selection from the home screen and find our captured movie.

The Settings option allows you to adjust basic system functions to your personal preferences.

Selecting System Settings gives you access to change display settings like; the brightness of the screen, the screen background color, the toolbar contrast, the displayed font, the screen backlight timeout and even a way to recalibrate the touch screen should it become necessary.

Date & Time settings can also be set as needed, like; the time and date, the Time Zone, and even an adjustment for Daylight Savings Time.

The Configure Scanner option allows you to change the scanner display to toggle scales on and off. Scales are the graduations and values that display on the horizontal axis at the base of the PID graphs.

Turning the scales off allows the waveform to fill the entire graph area. The Configure Units option allows you to choose between US customary or metric units of measure for temperature, vehicle speed, air pressure, weight, volume and torque.

This Tools selection allows you to adjust certain basic diagnostic tool functions to your personal preferences. Selecting opens an additional menu that offers the following:

  • System Settings
  • Configure Wi-Fi
  • Configure Scanner 
  • Configure Units

Selecting System Settings gives you access to change display settings like:

The brightness of the screen, the screen background color, the toolbar contrast, the displayed font, the screen backlight timeout and a way to recalibrate the touch screen should it become necessary.

Brightness allows you to change how bright the screen is. This can be useful when using the tool in bright sunlight.

Color Theme allows you to change from a Night Theme to a Day Theme. High Contrast Toolbar allows you to change from a Color Toolbar to a High Contrast Toolbar.

Font Type allows you to change from a Normal Font to a Bold Font.

Backlight Time allows you to change how long the screen stays at full brightness before dimming. This applies only when the tool is on battery power, and can extend the time the tool can be used before needing to be recharged.

Touch Calibration will walk you through the screen calibration procedure.

Date & Time settings can also be set as needed, like; the time and date, the Time Zone, and even an adjustment for Daylight Savings Time.

Selecting Auto VIN provides the option to turn the Instant Vehicle ID feature on or off.


Configure Wi-Fi functions to turn on and connect the Wireless Internet.

If the screen displays a message “Wi-Fi is Off”, select the Wi-Fi Power icon to turn the Wi-Fi on. The Wi‑fi power icon will change from a check mark icon to an X icon indicating Wi-Fi radio is currently set to on.

Select your desired network connection. Use the scroll feature to show all active connections.

If the network is password protected, a keyboard will appear. Simply enter your network password.

If your network does NOT require a password, select it. Select Connect to connect to your desired network.

From the Connect confirmation screen, select OK to continue using this connection or Forget to disconnect this connection. 


The Configure Scanner Menu gives options for showing the graph scales r hiding the graph scales in data graphing mode.

Press the back button (Left arrow) to return to the settings menu.

The Configure Units Menu allows you to change between metric and Imperial units.

System Information displays important information that may be needed from time-to-time.

If you call customer support, they may ask for certain information displayed here such as; the tool serial number, the installed software version number and other system information like installed database and hardware codes.

Normally you may never need to use this information, but it is easily accessed here if you need it.

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Diagnostics Product Family

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119 Results Listed

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  • P1000™
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  • TRITON-D10™
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  • VERUS® Edge
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