Data functionality, availability, navigation and terminology is vehicle manufacturer dependent, and will vary.

Select Scannerfrom the Home Screen, > Identify the Vehicle > Select a System > Select an Option from Main System Menu > Data (or equivalent) > Select Specific Data List
Custom Data List allows you to create a custom PID list.
Minimizing the number of PIDs displayed allows you to focus on specific data parameters and provides a faster refresh rate.
1. | Select the Custom Data List icon ![]() |
The data selection screen displays. Check boxes are provided to the left of the parameter description to select which parameters to display.
The toolbar icons provide options for sorting, selecting and deselecting parameters to include or remove from the custom data list:
Icon |
Description |
Sort |
Determines the order in which PIDs are listed on the screen. |
Select/Deselect |
Hide or display individual PIDs in the list. |
Select/Deselect All |
Hide or display all PIDs in the list. |
2. | Create a custom data list, by selecting the parameters to include (check marks). |
3. | To view the custom list, select the Accept icon. |
The custom list displays.
From the Custom Data list, if you select Back to display the Data Menu list, your new Custom List shows as a selectable option at the top of the list. This Custom List option will only remain an option as long as you are in the Data Menu. This allows you to view other data lists and return to your Custom List, however, if you back out to the Main Menu, and then return to the Data Menu your Custom List is deleted.

Some vehicles may support a cross-system custom PID list, which allows you to choose multiple PIDs from across available systems to create a custom list.
Selecting a cross-system custom PID list is similar to selecting a standard custom PID list, however you have the option to select PIDs from multiple lists.
At the time of this publication, only select CAN integrated 2005 and later Mercedes-Benz®, Jaguar®, Chrysler®, Volkswagen® and Audi® vehicles support this feature. As future diagnostic software updates occur, additional vehicle makes and models may be included.
The total number of PIDs that can be custom selected is limited, and varies by vehicle make and model.
1. | Select the Custom Data List icon ![]() |
2. | The data selection screen displays. |
Each list item is expandable, by selecting it’s Expand icon. You can expand any item from the list and select which PIDs you want to include, and then collapse the list and choose another if desired. The check marks to the left of the parameter description indicate which parameters are selected for display.
3. | Once you have selected all the PIDs you need, to view the custom list, select the Accept icon. |
The custom list displays.
From the Custom Data list, if you select Back to display the Data Menu list, your new Custom List shows as a selectable option at the top of the list. This Custom List option will only remain an option as long as you are in the Data Menu. This allows you to view other data lists and return to your Custom List, however, if you back out to the Main Menu, and then return to the Data Menu your Custom List is deleted.

PID Alarm allows you to set visual alarm indicators on two state PIDs.
Two state PIDs include components and circuits that only operate in two states (e.g. solenoids, relays, and switches that are either, open/closed, on/off, true/false, etc.).
Select the PID(s) to activate indicators on, then select the Back arrow.
PID indicators are displayed as a color bar that changes color as the PID state changes.

The diagnostic tool has the capability to collect, store and save PID data utilizing internal storage memory and buffer memory.
When data is displayed onscreen, a data buffer automatically starts to store it in buffer memory. The data buffer runs continuously (storing data) until the Pause, Clear, or Save icon is selected.
Buffer memory is limited to a predetermined “total” size. When buffer memory reaches it’s full capacity, the data buffer will continue to store new data, however earlier stored data will be removed to allow room for the new data being stored.
The most recent data is always available for review when Pause is pressed, and can be reviewed using the toolbar controls.
1. | Data Buffer Scale - Displays maximum data buffer size (e.g. 4000) across screen |
2. | Data Buffer Indicator - Bar graph indicates total data stored in the memory buffer. Includes blue and white graph bars and active position indicator. |
3. | Blue Graph Bar - Stored data not displayed onscreen |
4. | White Graph Bar - Stored data displayed onscreen |
5. | Active Data Position Counter - the numerical position of the active (current) data point as displayed within buffer memory. |
6. | Maximum Data Buffer Size (Data Buffer Position Counter)- indicates the maximum data buffer size value (e.g. 4000) |
7. | Active Data Position Indicator - Round icon indicates active (current) position in the data, which is also denoted by the Active Data Position Counter. |
This image shows the relationship between the (Blue) Current Position Cursor, Active Data Position Indicator and Active Data Position Indicator during data review.

Gray, Red and Green Markers are automatically displayed (in graphical PID views) to mark specific data reference points.
Blue vertical Cursors are displayed (in graphical PID views) as a measurement aid.
Gray (Pause/Save) - If you select Pause or Save
while collecting data, a vertical gray marker is automatically placed at that point in the data to indicate where the data was paused or saved.
● | Each time Pause is pressed an additional marker is added, and appears when Start is pressed to resume data collection. |
● | Each time Save is pressed an additional marker is added, and appears when the data starts again after a slight pause to save the file. |
● | Markers are displayed in all PIDs as reference. |
● | Markers are retained and appear in saved data files. |
Blue (Current Position) - If you select Pause while collecting data, a vertical blue cursor is displayed as an indicator to your position in the data and is denoted by the current position value in the counter display.
● | Cursors are displayed in all PIDs as reference markers. |
● | Depending on the amount of data saved the blue cursor may be initially located on the far left next to the description, or the far right next to the scroll bar making it difficult to see. If this happens, use the control icons (Step/Skip) to move the data until you can see the cursor. |
Red (Triggered PID Activation Point) - When using triggers, a vertical red marker is displayed in the data of the triggered PID at the point where the trigger was activated.
● | When multiple PIDs are armed, only the PID that is triggered first will display a red marker. |
Green (Trigger Activation Reference Point) - When using triggers, green vertical markers are displayed in all PIDs (except the PID that was triggered) as reference to the triggered PID activation point.
● | When a trigger is activated the displayed red and green markers are all vertically aligned in the graphed data to show the relationship of the trigger point in all PIDs. |

During normal operation, data from the vehicle is continuously being stored in buffer memory as it is displayed onscreen.
Pause , allows you to temporarily pause data collection to review it in detail.
After Pause is pressed:
● | Use the review control icons to accurately move through the data. |
● | The blue (vertical cursor) indicates your position in the data and is denoted by the current position value in the counter display. This cursor displays in all PIDs. |
To resume data collection (after pausing), select Start .
● | The screen changes back to display data . |
● | A vertical gray marker is displayed on all PIDs, indicating where the data was paused . If Pause occurred more than once, gray markers will be used for each instance. |

Save writes stored data buffer memory to a (.SCM) file.
Saving data is useful when trying to isolate an intermittent problem or to verify a repair. During normal operation, data from the vehicle is continuously being stored in buffer memory as it is displayed onscreen.

From the Home screen, select Previous Vehicles and Data > Saved Data
1. | Select the desired data file (.SCM file extension). |
2. | Change the view type and zoom levels as needed. |
3. | In graph view, use the control icons to move through the data . |
The blue (vertical cursor) indicates your position in the data and is denoted by the current position value in the counter display. The cursor displays in all PIDs.
Depending on the amount of data saved the cursor may be initially located on the far left next to the description, or the far right next to the scroll bar making it difficult to see. If this happens, use the control icons to move the data until you can see the cursor.

Saved data files can be downloaded to a personal computer (PC) using the supplied USB cable and ShopStream Connect.
– | See ShopStream Connect (opens in new tab) |

The zoom function allows you to change the magnification level (-2X to +8X) of the graphed data during data collection and review. Changing magnification levels allows you to compress or expand the displayed data to quickly find glitches, or signal losses.
Zoom Out - displays up to half of the maximum amount of data that can be collected, on one screen.
The default magnification level is 1x.
Examples : Top (+4X), Middle (1X), Bottom (Zoom Out)

Trigger Description and Features
Setting PID triggers allows you to configure the diagnostic tool to automatically save PID data to a file when a PID value meets an upper/lower limit (trigger point).
When a PID value meets the trigger point it activates the trigger which captures a short recording of PID data (before and after the trigger event), and saves it as a data file.
You can then review the file to evaluate the PID that triggered the event, and all the PIDs collectively to determine what happened up to and just past when the event occurred.
Examples of the following trigger states (Armed / Not Activated - upper image) and (Activated - lower image) are shown below .
1. | Armed PID Trigger Indicator - A blue outlined flag indicates the PID trigger is armed. |
2. | Upper and Lower Limit Lines (Armed) - Colored limit lines indicate the trigger is armed but not activated. |
3. | Activated PID Trigger Indicator - A red flag indicates the PID trigger has activated. |
4. | Trigger Activation Point Marker - A red marker line is displayed in the PID data where the trigger was activated. |
5. | Upper and Lower Limit Lines (Not Armed and Activated) - Gray limit lines are displayed when the trigger is armed but not activated and after the trigger has been activated. |
6. | Trigger Activation Point Reference Marker - Green marker lines are displayed on all the other PID graphs to indicate their relationship to where the trigger occurred. |
PID Trigger Status Icons
Icon |
Description |
Trigger Armed |
Trigger has been set (configured) and is armed. |
Trigger Activated |
Trigger has been activated (upper or lower limit has been met). |
Setting Triggers
To use triggers, they must be turned on (set/configured), and then armed.
1. | Highlight the PID to set a trigger on. |
2. | Select Trigger ![]() |
Trigger menu options:
- | Set Trigger—opens setup screen for upper/lower limits (trigger points) |
- | Arm Trigger—arms the trigger to capture data |
- | Clear All Triggers—deletes all previously set triggers |
If triggers are already set, the menu options are:
- | Clear Trigger—deletes the highlighted trigger |
- | Disarm Trigger—disarms the highlighted trigger |
- | Clear All Triggers—deletes all set triggers |
3. | Select Set Trigger. |
A red horizontal line is displayed representing the upper trigger point.
4. | Use the up b and down d buttons to set the upper trigger point, then select a , to confirm setting. |
5. | Set the position of the lower trigger line in the same manner as the upper. |
In the PID data view the trigger points appear as horizontal lines across the designated graph.
6. | Repeat this procedure to set trigger points for other PIDs (up to three) if desired. |
Only three parameters can have trigger levels set at one time, but only one of the conditions needs to be satisfied for triggering to occur.
Arming Triggers
1. | Select Trigger ![]() |
2. | Select Arm Triggers. |
The trigger lines change color to indicate an armed condition.
All PID triggers are armed simultaneously (if more that one is set). Once armed they remain armed until cleared or activated.
About Activated Triggers
A trigger is activated (displays red flag) when a PID value meets an upper/lower limit (trigger point).
When a trigger is activated:
● | Data collection is briefly paused as the Scanner captures a short recording of PID data (before and after the trigger event), and saves it as a data file. |
● | A gray marker line is displayed to indicate the point at which the data was paused or saved. |
● | An audible alarm is sounded |
● | A message displays indicating a data file was saved. |
● | Data collection continues. |
● | The activated PID trigger is disarmed. Note - if a different PID trigger is activated subsequently, an additional data file will be recorded. |
● | A red marker line is displayed on the graph of the PID with the activated trigger to indicate where the trigger occurred. A green marker line is displayed on all the other PID graphs to indicate their relationship to where the trigger occurred. |
● | The trigger menu options are: |
- | Clear Trigger—deletes the highlighted trigger |
- | Arm Trigger—arms the trigger to capture data |
- | Clear All Triggers—deletes all set triggers |