Connecting to Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi connection is controlled through the Windows® operating system.

Whenever the diagnostic tool is turned on, Wi-Fi will automatically try to connect to a network.

Video Instructions


1. To connect, turn on the diagnostic tool and allow Windows to bootup, then allow the ShopStream Diagnostic Suite software to open.

After bootup, check for connection...

check the Wi-Fi icon in the System Tray (lower right side) ...

or the Wi-Fi icon on the Diagnostic Suite lower toolbar, to verify connection status.

2. If you need to connect, click the Wi-Fi icon in the System Tray or on the Diagnostic Suite lower toolbar.

The wireless network connection window opens (shown below).

3. Choose your Wireless Network from the list of available networks, then select Connect.

A password is required when choosing a protected network.

A wireless network connection progress window displays as the connection is being made.

4. After the connection is successfully made, the Wi-Fi icon will display as Connected.

Wi-Fi performance varies depending on your wireless network equipment and ISP.

For Wi-Fi related instructions / troubleshooting that are outside the scope of these instructions, visit Windows online support.