Meet Adam Kaiser, owner of Kaiser’s Mobile Solutions along with his girlfriend, Jordann Player. Adam is a new franchisee in the Salt Lake City area. He is currently #1 for FTAs in North America with total of 21. That is an amazing feat! The product mix is almost equal across the board, which means he is effectively selling to every market segment.
Goals are so important in any business, but if you are shooting to be #1 in anything-- goals, plans, and execution are certainly the keys to success. Adam’s goal is to achieve 100 FTAs this year. Working closely with his DSD, Josh Kalkbrenner, and his Shop Essential Rep, Jared Dille, will allow him to maximize all the resources he can as he strives to meet his FTA goal. Currently, there is an event being planned and they already have a few platforms pre-sold.

The Regional Sales Manager for the NW region, Jared Burton, attributes three things to Adams incredible success:
- Personality- Allows him to sell himself first, build trust and happy customers.
- Creativity- Comes up with very effective RTBN (reasons to buy now)
- Laser Focus- Sells all aspects of his business and is always attentive to his customer’s needs.
When asked how he achieved such success so early in the year, Adams first words were, “Go to work!” He stated that a very successful businessman told him these words of wisdom years ago and it has become his motto ever since. Adam’s work ethic is apparent in his results.
When asked about RTBN ideas, Adam said the first thing he did that received a lot of attention and led to several sales was a trade-in guarantee. Offering $1500 for any trade in, it became a very successful method in selling various platforms.
Next, he was able to get his hands on several SOLUS Legend™ diagnostic tools to promote a focused sale. He used a 'Power of 5' card with a 75-inch TV as the prize. It was a sellout!
Then he went and bought a stack of Play-Station® 5 video games. His “Buy a scan tool/get a PS5™” promo was another successful sellout!
Adam is planning his next RTBN event and it should be a big hit: “Buy a scan tool and get a 1-in-5 chance to win an all-expense paid trip for the winner and a guest to a guided bow-fishing hunt for carp.” What a creative idea!
Jordann is in charge of their social media marketing and WOW, is it professionally done! Instagram® is their main social media platform where she puts together impressive videos. They have plans to branch out to Facebook® soon, as well.
Adam’s day-to-day plan is grassroots marketing and solid salesmanship. Here are some of his strategies:
- He knows what tools his customers own and if they are up to date or not. Just as importantly, he knows what his customers do not own.
- Adam believes that many customers' perceptions are that a scan tool costs $12,000, like a ZEUS+™. His marketing and conversations always include discussing a low weekly payment.
- He talks about diagnostic products with EVERYONE, without fail. If they ask any questions at all, they get a demo and a quote.
- He writes three quotes for a diagnostic product every single day.
- Adam practices 'top down' selling by demonstrating a ZEUS+™ and TRITON-D10™, then selling down when needed. This shows in his FTA product mix. Half of them are ZEUS™ series or TRITON-D10™.
- Keeping the demo simple and basic is important, as many of his new customers have never owned their own scan tool.
Adam and Jordann, congratulations on your huge success so far! We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you. Thank you for sharing your story with our Snap-on® community.