Meet Matthew Archuleta, owner of Top Notch Tool Sales, LLC based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico in the central region. He’s been a franchisee for the better part of three years and just recently bought his second route this past August.

Matthew Archuleta, owner of Top Notch Tool Sales, LLC
Matthew started with Snap-on as a Company Store Sales Representative. Within three months, he decided to “own it” (his own words). Since then, he has never looked back and runs around 1.5 million dollars in paid sales per year. Matthew’s diagnostic sales are a BIG part of those paid sales.
Matthew had previously worked for other competitors but joined Snap-on when the opportunity presented itself. Knowing the competitor’s equipment, he was impressed with Snap-on® diagnostic capabilities.
When speaking with Business Manager, Loyd Blackerby, about Matthew’s sustained diagnostic successes, Loyd shared a story. At the 2023 Kick-off meeting Loyd talked about the goal of having a Snap-on diagnostic tool in EVERY toolbox in the route. Matthew stood up and made the statement that “until you embrace that idea, your diagnostic sales will be lukewarm at best.” Loyd also said that Matthew believes that Snap-on diagnostics will, without a doubt, make every shop more efficient and productive, which equals higher profitability. That leads to everyone in that shop having more dollars to spend in his store.
When Matthew was asked what is it that makes your diagnostic business so successful and what do you like best about Snap-on diagnostic tools, without hesitation he responded, ‘I ask questions every day, like, what are you using, what problems are you having?’ The thing I like best about our tools is that they are simply the closest to factory tools than any other out there.”
Sales Developer, Justin Fenton, told us that Matthew’s sales skills are off the charts. Justin told us that he rode with Matthew for a week in his new route and watched him sell two ZEUS+™ and two SOLUS+™.
Justin said, “I have never seen anything like it". Even though he had never met many of these customers, he would ask every one of them, ‘what scan tool are you using? Can I see it?’ Then he would inspect their present tool and say, let me show you our latest tool. Then demo a ZEUS+. After the demo, he would say ‘play around with that a bit and I’ll write you a quote.’ By the time the customer has looked around for a bit, Matthew is back with the quote. He goes over the trade, the rebate, then tells them the weekly cost for the tool. He closes with simply, “what do you think?”
Matthew says he participates in the SFC and Kick-off diagnostics’ product promos and uses monthly offers to maintain enough diagnostic tools to continue selling at a high rate. He made it clear that he strongly believes “you can’t sell it if you don’t have it.”
We asked Jacob Lawless, his Diagnostic Sales Developer, how well Matthew demonstrates the diagnostic tools? Jacob told us that he does an exceptional demo and has the ability to customize it based on his customers’ questions and answers. He went on to say that Matthew learned his demo skills from his customers. He controls every conversation with questions. He asks what the hot issues are and how they find it with the diagnostic tools. Then incorporates that into his demo.
Zachary Poe is the Shop Essential Sales Representative in the area. We asked him to use a few words to describe Matthew.
1. Highly-driven
2. Well-respected
3. Creates value for customers
4. Sells needs – adds wants
5. Straight-forward
6. Salesman
In his downtime, Matthew is passionate about his church and his family, and spends quality time with both as much as he can. When asked about his free time he said, “I love to customize trucks – BIG time” He recently returned from the SEMA Show® in Las Vegas where he brought his own custom truck as part of the show. One of his goals is to build a custom truck for Snap-on someday.
Matthew, you are running a tremendous business and are a great example for reps looking to level-up their diagnostic business.