
Backup allows you to back up your saved data to a designated file on the internal hard drive, or to an external drive (e.g. USB flash drive). This option can be used as general maintenance to ensure you have a safe backup of your saved data, or if an issue occurs where a system restore (see Operating System Restore) is necessary and you need to retain your saved data.

Only the following types of data are backed up:

ShopStream Data (saved movie/data files)
Lab Scope Settings (presets)
Vehicle History Records and Favorites

► To Backup data files:

1. From the Home screen select System Settings.
2. From the System Settings main menu select Data Backup > Backup.

The destination drive dialog box opens (Figure 14‑4).

3. Select a drive destination.

Drive designations (e.g. E:, F: etc.), are only visible when external drives are connected to the diagnostic tool.


A progress screen is displayed as the backup file is saved to the root of the drive selected with a file extension of .sna. Then a confirmation screen is displayed.

4. Select OK to complete the procedure.