Working with Trouble Codes
The following sections describe a few trouble code functions found within a typical System Main Menu.
Trouble code functionality, availability, navigation and terminology is vehicle manufacturer dependent, and will vary.

Code Scan quickly scans all supported vehicle control modules for codes and OBD-II monitor readiness. See Vehicle Code Scan for information.
Select Scannerfrom the Home Screen, > Identify the Vehicle > Select a System > Select Code Scan.

To view trouble codes, select Codes Menu and then make any sub-menu selections as applicable (if available). Depending on the vehicle manufacturer, the “Codes Menu” and sub-menu selection names will vary (e.g Codes, Codes Menu, Codes Only, Codes (No Data), Service Codes, Display Codes, etc.).
Select Scannerfrom the Home Screen, > Identify the Vehicle > Select a System > Select Codes Menu / View Codes (or applicable option).
If active, select the Code or the Diagnose icon to open SureTrack, see SureTrack for additional information.

Freeze Frame/Failure Records. may be a sub-menu of the Codes Menu and displays the last code that was set.
Selecting the Code or the Freeze Frame icon displays the corresponding Freeze Frame data that was captured when the code was set.
Select Scannerfrom the Home Screen, > Identify the Vehicle > Select a System > Select Codes Menu / View Codes (or applicable option) > Freeze Frame/Failure Records

Clear Codes allows you to erase codes from ECM memory.
Select Scannerfrom the Home Screen, > Identify the Vehicle > Select a System > Select Clear Codes
Clearing codes erases all temporary ECM information, including Freeze Frame/Failure Records. Check and/or record all vital diagnostic information before clearing codes.