Automotive - General RepairEric Efrain De SantiagoMechanic at Toki'sTallerMonterrey, MexicoI learned how to be a mechanic by looking at my father-in-law and now here I am. Removing a 4.0 engine from a Ford Explorer 2001 was one of the coolest projects I have worked on.
ManufacturingJose Juan FrancoQuality Control Technician at Ford Transmission PlantQuerétaro, MexicoWorking in quality control I feel like I have the last say if we made a good product. I also get to solve the problems that no one else has been able to find or fix. It is a great feeling!
Military & DefenseSgt. RasconSergeant at The Secretaría de MarinaMexico City, Mexico
Automotive - DealershipJorge GarciaLead Technician at Toyota/Kia DealerQuerétaro, Mexico
Automotive - DealershipMaricio PadronTechnician at Toyota/Kia DealerQuerétaro, MexicoIt is in my blood. I learned from my dad who learned from his dad. The family aspect is what got me in to the business and now I truly love cars!
Power GenerationArmando BautistaMaintenance Team Lead at Ford Transmission PlantQuerétaro, MexicoI enjoy getting down into the details of how our machines work. From the chillers, to the power generators getting to know them in and out is a rewarding feeling. I get to feel like an expert.
Automotive - DealershipJaime SuárezTechnician at Toyota/Kia DealerQuerétaro, MexicoMy father was a technician, so it runs in the family. Now my son is also a technician and I could not be more proud. He works smarter than I did but still has the same passion and understanding of the vehicles.
Military & DefenseLt. SariuasLieutenant at The Secretaría de MarinaMexico City, Mexico